Visitor Information
Visit Your Loved Ones
Visitors are encouraged to visit friends and family members. Visiting hours are open but we encourage you to check with Registration or the Nurses desk prior to visiting to make sure your visit occurs at the most appropriate time.
For additional visitor convenience, we offer "FREE WIFI" connections in all areas of our hospital campus. You will be able to connect through any mobile device while in any of our buildings.
The Board of Directors of Salem Memorial District Hospital recognizes the need to provide total patient care. The physical, emotional, and spiritual needs are synergistic in their effect. Conversely, the absence of help for any of these needs can drastically hamper the patient's recovery.
The Chaplaincy Program is an important asset in assisting both the physician and the hospital staff in achieving the goals of quality patient care. Chaplains represent the hospital in striving to meet the spiritual and emotional needs of the patient.
Contact Us With Your Questions
If you have questions concerning visiting hours or to find the best times to visit your friends and family members feel free to Contact Us.