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Radio interviews in 2016 on KSMO radio, 1340 AM

These interviews are recorded to help you get to know the services we provide and how we help the communities we serve: (Click on the underlined word or words to hear the interview.) The interviews are listed in date order from newest at the top to oldest at the bottom.

12/28: Lisa DuLany, M.B.A., Social Services Director, covering the swing bed program at our hospital, social services and suicide prevention, including SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).

12/22: Jason Edwards, M.B.A., Dietitian, schooling us on how to eat properly during the season of holiday meals and seasonal goodies, including how to prevent overeating while sharing the family meal and at holiday parties.

12/15: Kasey Lucas, M.B.A, Hospital Administrator/CEO, discussing the December board meeting, including the summary of operations for November, filing dates for two board members, equipment purchases and more.

12/7: Debra Piatt, R.N., Infection Control/Education Director, about getting flu shots, how to prevent getting the flu like washing hands and avoiding contact with surfaces, and more. Come in and get your flu shot at our SMDH Family Medicine clinic.

11/30: Nathan Miracle, P.A.-C, SMDH Family Medicine clinic talking about winter time illness, flu shots and how to better prepare for a healthier holiday season.

11/17: Kasey Lucas, M.B.A, Hospital Administrator/CEO, covering the November Board meeting, including another positive month for the hospital, the hospital foundation fundraisers, filing for board members and more.

11/9: Ruth Ann Parker, SMDH Foundation, brings us up-to-date on the upcoming "Dancing with the Salem Stars" competition that will be held on December 10th, starting at 7 p.m. This is a fundraiser for the SMDH Foundation, so call now if you need to get a table for you and friends and family or your business. If you don't need an entire table, your reservation will include a seat at an open table, as well as balcony seating. Save money and reserve your space early for a discounted price. This fundraiser will also work towards renovations needed in the patient care rooms.

11/2: Barb Wofford, Director of Cardiology department discusses asthma and the holidays. Do you know what you need to do to prepare for them if you have asthma?

10/26: Sheila Hamlet, Business Office Director, informing us how to receive a discount on your hospital bill by paying early, or how to qualify for financial assistance through established federal guidelines.

10/20: Kasey Lucas, M.B.A, Hospital Administrator/CEO, covering the October Board meeting, covering the end of year audit and other business covered.

10/12: Theresa Whelan, Auxiliary President, letting us know the remaining fundraisers for the rest of the year.

9/29: Kasey Lucas, M.B.A., CEO/Administrator, covering the September Board meeting, with good news about another profitable month, and we have moved closer to receiving the Level IV Stroke Designation for our ED department after a recent survey was conducted on our processes, as well as our recent Health Screening being very popular and growing again this year.

9/21: Kim Blankenship, R.N., Surgery Director discussing how we help with patient care in our Outpatient Treatment area of the hospital, including rehydration treatment, B12 shots, hernia repairs, cataract surgery, and implantable port cleansing, dressing changes, and other areas where we can help you closer to home.

9/14: Gina Daniels, Rehabilitation Director, reminding everyone that you can tell your physician that you CHOOSE to have your rehabilitation done closer to home in our hospital and discussing the services this department offers. We're committed to work on making your care better every patient, every encounter, every time.

9/7: Kathy Weldon, MHS, MT (ASCP), Laboratory Director, reminding us about the upcoming Health Screenings that will be held at the Salem Community Center at the Armory on September 14th and 15th

8/31: Theresa Whelan, Auxiliary President, updating us on upcoming fundraisers, always open to the community for supporting our hospital while getting great deals.

8/24: Tabitha Stanfast, R.N., Emergency Services Director, catching us up on the STEMI program and the status of our Stroke Center Level 4 designation.

8/18: Kasey Lucas, M.B.A., CEO and Hospital Administrator reviewing the August Board meeting news, including another positive revenue month for the hospital.

8/10: Lisa DuLany, M.B.A.,Director of Social Services, informing us about the "Plan While You Can" event about Elder Law and other topics to encourage everyone of ALL AGES to get their financial and healthcare affairs in order at the Armory on 8/16 at 5 p.m. It's free to anyone to attend, and you will learn there is not always a cost to getting these documents filled out and filed to get your wishes known about all areas of your life.

8/3: Sandra Headrick, FNP, from SMDH Family Medicine about NEW childhood immunization requirements, back to school physicals and more.

7/27: Deborah Hobson, L.P.N., Ambulance Director discussing the benchmark turnaround time in the Emergency Department of 120 minutes and how the hospital works to improve on or reach that goal every month.

7/21: Kasey Lucas, M.B.A., CEO, Administrator, covering the July Board meeting.

7/13: Linda Knight, Radiology Director, excited to give us an update on the new CT machine that has been recently installed, allowing for reduced the amount of radiation dose given.

7/6: Craig Tatom, C-FNP, SMDH Family Medicine Clinic provider discussing healthcare offered, including heat related illnesses during the summertime especially as we age.

6/30: Kasey Lucas, M.B.A., Administrator/CEO, covering the May Board meeting, including the appointment of George Gruendel as a new Board member.

6/26: Zach Moser, PharmD, Pharmacist, explaining drugs that make people sensitive to the sun, tick bites and more.

6/22: Dr. Sarfaraz Jasdanwala, M.D. sharing his welcome to Salem and other health issues he is helping his patients with since joining the SMDH Family Medicine Clinic almost a year ago.

6/15: Debra Piatt, R.N., Infection Control Director, reminding us about staying safe in the summer with the heat, the sun, and all those insects that come along with the outdoor fun.

6/8: Kasey Lucas, M.B.A, CEO, Hospital Administrator on May's Board meeting, discussing the resignation of Joe Brand from the board, plus the monthly summary and statistics reports for the month of April and more.

6/1: Lisa Hockett, R.N., Swing Bed Coordinator, helping us understand what the "Swing Bed" program is all about, including the billing change from inpatient care to this program, and other benefits provided under this program.

5/11: Jodie Gorman, Human Resources Director, Lisa DuLany, Social Services Director, new Long Term Care Director Trudy Rutland, R.N., and Cindy Fry, R.N., Acute Director giving us reasons why we celebrate National Hospital Week, National Nurses Week, and National Nursing Home Week.

5/4: Kathy Weldon, MHS, MT (ASCP), covering the upcoming Health Screenings the mornings of 5/11 and 5/12 along with the discounted costs of tests.

4/21: Kasey Lucas, M.B.A, CEO/Hospital Administrator covering the April Board meeting.

4/13: Linda Knight, Director of Radiology, sharing our up-to-date equipment and expanded testing available, including MRI and Nuclear Medicine.

4/6: Pam Radcliff, Medical Records Director, explaining the benefits of joining the Health Information Exchange, which SMDH partners with to enable immediate access to your patient records in times of emergency with other member hospitals and physician clinics. If you want to learn more, visit Missouri Health Connection.

3/30: Ashley Sullins, R.N., Home Health Director, giving us information on Home Health care offered by this department.

3/29: Kasey Lucas, M.B.A., C.E.O, discussing the March Board meeting.

3/16: Gena Harwell, L.P.N., Dialysis Tech from the SMDH Weaver Dialysis Unit, reminding us about National Kidney Month and how the dialysis unit helps the health of those needing it.

3/9: Jason Edwards, M.B.A, Licensed Dietitian, discussing March being and why a healthy eating habit affects all areas of your life. (Sorry, the interview is not available as was not recorded.)

3/2: Mary Travis, M.A., Information Systems Director covering areas of interest on our website and work on the Health Information Exchange.

2/25: Kasey Lucas, M.B.A., CEO/Administrator, covering the recent Health Fair screenings and other February Board Meeting information about the hospitals improving financial position.

2/24: Lisa Hockett, R.N., Utilization Review, discussing the Swing Bed program offered for those needing this service in their community.

2/10: Lisa DuLany, M.A., LPC, Social Services Director, covering Health Care Directives, the SMDH Community survey, February Health Fair opportunities and more.

2/3: Kathy Weldon, Lab Director, bringing us up-to-date about the upcoming Health Fair on February 10th and 11th at the Salem Community Center @ The Armory.

1/27: Tabitha Stanfast, R.N., Director of Emergency Services, now holds a position on the Meramec Regional Emergency Management Corporation, and also explaining the STEMI protocol in more detail and the designation we hold statewide.

1/20: Kasey Lucas, M.B.A, CEO, covering his first Board meeting as Hospital Administrator.

1/13: Kim Blankenship, R.N., Director of Surgery and Outpatient Treatment, reminding us of all the services offered by SMDH to help you get your needed treatment close to home.

1/6: Cheryl Ibrahim, R.N., Dialysis Director, explaining how the dialysis unit works at Salem Memorial District Hospital.